
5597 3100


Massage contributes to the reduction of stress by relaxing the nervous system. the body & mind are revitalised, circulation is increased & toxins are reduced. regular massage promotes a healthy immune system and a healthy mind!

Request and inform at the time of your booking for a double room or single room, or if you would like the bali hut set up! if you prefer a particular pressure for your massage, please inform your therapist.

Aveda aroma massage

stress, muscle tension and lack of energy can all be addressed with a customized massage treatment. after a thorough consultation, your massage therapist will provide you with the best combination of products, personalized Aveda aromas and massage techniques, which can include Swedish/relaxation, deep tissue, foot reflexology, acupressure, chakra techniques, subtle energy work or hot stone–the possibilities are limitless. Massage treatments are recommended on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis to achieve and maintain optimal results.

Massage | Semaines Spa | Ashmore | 07 5597 3100